When you read the title of this blog, you probably think "whoa! this is a vegan athlete....with curves?!?!" However, that is not the case. That is what I inspire to be. (I'm sorry for any disappoint I may have caused.) The blog is for me to document my transition from Princess Flub-alina to Queen Curvalicious Veggy Athelete-ina. (I am fully aware that that didn't make entire sense).
I am by no means an athlete. I am by every means curvy. Me being vegan is somewhere in the abyss of uncertainty, where hostess cupcakes and vegetables fight constantly. In other words, I'm starting at square one, more like square number -5. Yet, I have a world class trainer to get me in tip top shape. He is tough. If you don't do what he says you might as well leave cause you're not going to progress whatsoever. His name? Google. That's right. I'm googling my way through this, unless my momma pays for a trainer, because I'm broke. By the end of this year I will be able to consider myself an athlete. If you want to get extra specific about it, I'll be able to consider myself a veg*n athlete.
Oh yea just as a sidenote, I have every intention on keeping my curves. My thighs, butt, and boobs aren't going anywhere. (I don't have very much hips that is why I didn't mention them.)
So here I am starting off.......
Leira Violet
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