Monday, April 6, 2009

Going Raw and/or Vegan in College Tip #2

I'm so sorry for this being so late. School has got me running around so much.

In order to make a change as big as this one, you have really have to find the root of why you are doing this. This will help keep you going when you feel like giving up. Sit down and really think about why you are making this change. When you feel like you found out why (you'll know when it comes to you because you will want to take immediate action), commit it to memory and remind yourself of it everyday.

Once you come up with a major reason for this change, create smaller goals that lead you to achieving the bigger goal. For example, I stated below that I want this year to be the end of all of my health problems. With that goal, I made a smaller goal to cut out all bread and focus on that for about to weeks. From there, I will make another goal, possibly to stop eating fried foods. This is a good way because you are building up as oppose to going cold turkey where you are most likely to give into cravings.

Leira Violet

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