Monday, April 6, 2009

What I ate

B- bowl of cocopuffs and granola; hash brown
L- Salad (Romaine, olives, banana peppers, and honey mustard) Vegetable low mein, and veggie burger (no bun or anything just the patty)
D- haven't ate it yet. Give me at least 30 more minutes.

Going Raw and/or Vegan in College Tip #2

I'm so sorry for this being so late. School has got me running around so much.

In order to make a change as big as this one, you have really have to find the root of why you are doing this. This will help keep you going when you feel like giving up. Sit down and really think about why you are making this change. When you feel like you found out why (you'll know when it comes to you because you will want to take immediate action), commit it to memory and remind yourself of it everyday.

Once you come up with a major reason for this change, create smaller goals that lead you to achieving the bigger goal. For example, I stated below that I want this year to be the end of all of my health problems. With that goal, I made a smaller goal to cut out all bread and focus on that for about to weeks. From there, I will make another goal, possibly to stop eating fried foods. This is a good way because you are building up as oppose to going cold turkey where you are most likely to give into cravings.

Leira Violet

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why, oh why?

Despite the fact that I like torturing myself, why am I doing this? Why am I struggling to become vegan and an 'athlete'. Let me tell you. I'm pissed off. I'm SICK AND TIRED. No. You don't understand. I'm almost to the point of being livid about it. I want to end all of my dis-ease. This is the year that I'm ending all of my health problems. Obesity, fatigue, lethargy, etc. will all be gone by 2010.

I don't know if people realize this, but big girls have dreams to. I always (day)dream about being a dancer, martial arts fighter, runner, etc., but never do it! So, my latest wish/dream is to compete in a triathlete before I die. I want to run a marathon when I'm 20. I want it so bad. I think about being 50 still being in the state I'm in now and it makes me sick. Literally, my stomach starts to turn a little. I want to be fit. I want to be healthy.

I'm really Really REALLY tired of this struggle with my weight. I don't know if you can relate, but being obese is all I know. I don't know what it is like to run and not be tired. I don't know what it is like to shop in a section other than the plus sizes. I don't know what it is like to have a semi-flat stomach. I don't know what it is like to be healthy. All of these things are foreign to me.


I guarantee you.

Leira Violet

Going Raw and or Vegan in College Tip 1

TAKE IT EASY!!!!!!!!

Believe me I tried the whole, " I'm strong!!! I'm going to do this cold turkey!!!!" Honey. No. Most likely you will make it for awhile, but then you will eventually regress to eating chunky monkey ice cream at 11 pm at night.

Don't get me wrong. There are those who can go cold turkey and never look back. I give those people a standing ovation. I will even bow to them for all the strength and will power ( my next tip is going to be how I believe they were able to make the jump). 

However, for those who need more of a gradual approach, change your diet in steps. Every two weeks to month dedicate that time to ONE change. Then after that, make another change and keep going until you reach your goal. This will make long lasting change as oppose to the quick and short change. Think more turtle and less hare.

Leira Violet

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Workout missed

Today, I wanted to take a break and not workout. However, that was just a way for me to stay in bed and be lazy. I set myself up for that. I stayed up way too late and I knew I wanted to get up this morning to exercise. I knew that I want to be able run a mile by the end of March. I just need to go to bed earlier.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yea, so I totally forgot to write down what I ate today. Tomorrow I promise I will so I can report

Exercise stat

20 min - elliptical
hella slow

I really didn't want to get up this morning. I'm probably going to workout again sometime in the afternoon.

In the beginning there was flub....

Hey Love,

When you read the title of this blog, you probably think "whoa! this is a vegan athlete....with curves?!?!" However, that is not the case. That is what I inspire to be. (I'm sorry for any disappoint I may have caused.) The blog is for me to document my transition from Princess Flub-alina to Queen Curvalicious Veggy Athelete-ina. (I am fully aware that that didn't make entire sense).

I am by no means an athlete. I am by every means curvy. Me being vegan is somewhere in the abyss of uncertainty, where hostess cupcakes and vegetables fight constantly. In other words, I'm starting at square one, more like square number -5. Yet, I have a world class trainer to get me in tip top shape. He is tough. If you don't do what he says you might as well leave cause you're not going to progress whatsoever. His name? Google. That's right. I'm googling my way through this, unless my momma pays for a trainer, because I'm broke. By the end of this year I will be able to consider myself an athlete. If you want to get extra specific about it, I'll be able to consider myself a veg*n athlete.

Oh yea just as a sidenote, I have every intention on keeping my curves. My thighs, butt, and boobs aren't going anywhere. (I don't have very much hips that is why I didn't mention them.)

So here I am starting off.......

Leira Violet
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